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3 tips on picking the right artwork for your home

Walls and art go together like hummus and pita bread, am I right? It's like the icing on the cake when decorating a space (or like fresh basil on pasta if you prefer the 'savoury palette' analogy.) In less ‘foodie’ terms, it’s about creating and curating a space that's totally and uniquely one hundred percent 'you'. ⁠

Read on for my take on how to make it happen…

Look, I get it when you say it's difficult and overwhelming to land on that perfect artwork.

Now, before I continue, I should mention that in my experience, there is no single perfect artwork. There are many, my friend. So many, in fact, that you’ll probably run out of free wall space by the time you finish creating that shopping list.

But more on that later.

Imagine the perfect artwork as the kind that only takes one glance for you to know instantly in your heart, gut and down to your very soul that that's the one for you. Like in a romance novel or cheesy rom-com. ‘One look is all it took’ sort of thing. Something of a soulmate connection if one can have a spiritual connection with an inanimate object. I’m not going to lie, sometimes it really does feel that way.

But essentially, it's all about the feeling. Go with the feeling, and trust me, you'll land on that perfect match.
FYI, this applies to most things in life too. That said, there are definitely some things to keep in mind that’ll help you make a decision that’s right for you.

Here are my top 3 tips
to choosing the perfect artwork(s)
for your home & most loved spaces:

tip 1: go with what you like

Pretty simple, right? You want to pick art that gives you a sense of joy, enjoyment or calm. Forget what the magazines are telling you. Refer to them for inspiration but don’t just buy what you see advertised if it doesn’t speak to you. Here’s a simple rule to live by: if you don't like what you see, don't put that on your wall!

And even though you can switch up artwork faster than you can wall paint, it's still an investment and it's going in your home. So you’ll want to be sure it suits your style and personality and isn’t just part of the latest trend. Here’s another truth bomb for you: the perfect artwork (one that’ll warm the cockles of everyone’s heart) doesn’t exist. Hah! Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, i.e. you.

So is the perfect artwork for ‘you’ out there? Yes!

Will everyone else love it as much as you do? Chances are no but that’s totally okay. You’re not buying art to make other people happy. It’s for you and you alone. So stick with your gut and you’ll be happy.

On the other hand, what happens if you, like many others out there, aren’t really sure of your style? Or perhaps you like all kinds of art and don’t subscribe to any one particular style. Well, that’s totally normal. I’m a little like that and chances are, like me, your tastes are more eclectic. So this is where researching and mood-boarding comes in. Now’s a good time to grab those magazines, check out some online websites and jump on Pinterest to start collecting ideas around what you like.

DISCLAIMER: this type of activity can be highly addictive. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! ;)

Bloom limited edition print

Enchanted Forest limited edition print

tip 2: shop around

Now, you may think this reads strange coming from me since I sell my own prints and naturally would want to market them first. Sure I want people to buy them. They’re made with love and soul and have an indescribably good energy about them. But I want my home to be a reflection of me and my tastes, to reflect my life experiences, to inspire and uplift me and everyone I invite into it and that means shopping for pieces (and it doesn’t have to only be traditional forms of art like paintings) by diverse local and international artists and brands wherever possible.

So shop around. And I’d suggest starting local. It’s more accessible and aside from discovering what your own tastes are, you’ll also get discover amazing creatives in your area, get to know them, their story and what inspired them which will make a world of a difference. And when you buy something of theirs that’s unique and that you know you won’t find anywhere else, it’ll feel more meaningful and special to you. Because, as I’m sure you’ve heard before, we don’t simply buy things. We buy the story behind the thing.

tip 3: Define your focus

Thanks to the digital age, we have a million choices available to us. Often it can feel like choice overload or overwhelm and having too many choices isn’t always a helpful thing. If you want to minimize the overwhelm, ask yourself, are you shopping by colour, theme, size, style etc? Pick one theme and start there.

Once you have a clearly defined parameter to work within, start collecting ideas (I personally love Pinterest for this), sorting and sifting with that parameter in mind. By picking a key focus area, you can stay on track, reduce overwhelm and be on your way to narrowing down some options that will simplify your decision-making. ⁠This is especially helpful if the thought of experimenting with art sends you into a panic state.

Ananas limited edition print; Kaleidoscope & Vista mini prints

Poppy, Ananas & Tara limited edition prints

Bonus tip: Pick one room at a time

Look, you’re probably not going to find art for every room in your home on a single shopping spree. And that’s a good thing given how much thought you need to put into it. So start with a particular room or space in your home, e.g. the living room, the kitchen or your bedroom and go from there. Each room in your home has a different purpose and therefore the art you choose to adorn your walls or shelves with needs to fit into the space seamlessly.

For example, if you’re shopping for your bedroom, then think about what the space is used for. If you prefer softer colours that talk to feelings of tranquility and relaxation then the decor, bed linen and furniture pieces you choose should be reflective of this. If you prefer bold pieces, consider placing these in high energy areas such as the living room where they can hang as a statement piece. Similarly, super colourful and playful art would generally work well in kids’ bedrooms.

the verdict

Art has a way of informing a space and tying everything together. We often hear that art can either make or break a space but I prefer not to put it that way. Focus on choosing art that speaks to you and remember to work with what you already have in your home (i.e. your existing furniture, decor and collected pieces) and start with one room at a time, to ensure there’s cohesion and harmony. And finally, don’t forget to have fun!

If you've got your eye on one of our pieces and would like to discuss how they could work with your space, be sure to reach out. I’m always happy to help! ⁠💜